you know what, i think were growing up...


oh simplicity

so last nite was good...ish
today was pretty tite: i woke up early-had some cheese and honey, oh simplicity-and coffee
i went to pickup my new film camera [im a little obsessed]-i downloaded the 109 p manual-and read it
molly called me and we finally met up[i havent seen her in about 4 months]-we ran around the city buying things-and forgetting things-and then got lizy to go with us to get piercings
molly=tragus stud lizy=re-nose stud me=re-lip cbr
i watched youtube for about an hour-i played around with the f4-just listening to clicky sounds, oh simplicity-now this

ive realized i like simple pleasures
the sound of the shutter in a camera with no film
lines of lamp posts at night
good discounts on watches
long scarves
a good hair cut
tight jeans
finding a sharpie with lots of ink left
random text messages, except for depressing lyrics from exs
seeing great tattoos and piercings
drinking hot tea or coffee without burning your mouth
finding a five in your pocket
a good set of boobs
i dunno, other stuff
ill kee this going, i think its kinda important

ciao per adesso

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